Extend the Life of Your Micro USB Cable and Fix Your Loose Android Connection

Here’s a quick fix if you have a loose micro USB connection (for example of the type that is commonly used to charge Android phones).

Have you ever noticed the 2 prongs on a micro usb connection ? These prongs are used to tighten the hold when that end is inserted into the phone. Thee prongs wear out or bend over time so they no longer serve their intended purpose, resulting in a loose and no longer working connection to your phone.

As a quick fix you can raise the surface of the micro-usb end by applying a drop or two of super glue to create a bump or raised layer which will tighten the fit.

Squeeze a a small drop of superglue on the side of the micro usb end where the prongs are:

Be VERY careful not to let the superglue drip into the phone. Your goal is to have the superglue dry into a “bump” on the surface of the micro usb just enough to tighten the fit into the phone as a substitution for the worn prongs. Do the same to the edges of the micro usb but only a small bit.

Let it DRY for at least one hour. You don’t want wet super glue in your phone! When it is thoroughly dry, reinsert. You should now have a supertight connection!

I have done this several times with success. The same method has worked to fix a loose AC adapter plug on another device (raising the surface with a thin layer of superglue to tighten the fit). Note that this won’t last forever but I’ve found it is good for at least several months and almost as long as the prongs lasted.

WARNING: DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK. You could damage your phone if the superglue gets in your phone or inside the micro usb. All liability is disclaimed!!